I hope you are all well and Covid-19 free! Â
We will be having our first Stated Meeting in Lodge on Monday, October 12, 2020.
We are ordered by the Grand Master to wear Masks and Social Distance. No food can be consumed in lodge .
We may have closed bottles of water to drink.
We will have seats marked so that we have appropriate social distancing. Â We will open and
conduct business on the first degree.
It will be good to see all of you who are able to attend.
The Calendar of Events for the Lodge and Appendant Bodies is as follows from now through December 2020 unless there is further directives by the Grand Master:
(P) in-person meeting
(V) virtual meeting
Four of our Brother's have died since we last met.
William A. Bennis WB Warren Johnson Gary Ness WB Edward Witter
Born 11/29/1927 1/15/1947 10/03/1942 5/27/1938
1st Deg. 1/04/1955 9/10/2007 9/18/1986 5/03/1960
2nd Deg. 2/15/1955 10/08/2007 10/27/1986 6/12/1960
M.M. 4/02/1955 12/11/2007 4/25/1987 6/21/1960
WM 2013 2003
50 Yr. 4/02/2005 9/27/2010
Died 1/04/2020 5/12/2020 9/05/2020 10/04/2020
Please remember them fondly and keep their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Alas my Brother.
In Brotherly Love and friendship,
WB Chuck Anderson